Monday, July 06, 2015

Better every day

Today I ventured out for the first time since Friday. I only went up to the nearest store, about five minutes walk, but it went fine. And I felt like I'm on the right track.

Even cut back on the strongest painkillers, now I only have two weaker ones, and hopefully I can cut them out soon too.

This evening I was googling "Aktion", reduced price on pork fillet I want to cook on Wednesday, when I'm expecting five guests. And to my delight I found 40% in one store, last day.

So I took another walk to check it out. Halfway I had a "oh no-moment", but it was fine and I managed to complete the shopping without pooing over anything. Progress!

Only, there was just one fillet left so I changed my mind when I saw "Aktion" on another piece of meat, pork from Ticino. Even better!

I really look fw to see some people here. It's a bit boring to always be indoors when forced to. I was hoping to get back to powerwalking in the forest, but in this heat I'm not so sure. It would also be nice to be painfree.

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