Thursday, October 15, 2015

Charity work

Woke up really early today, eager to get going with my new job. Had a friend over yesterday, who convinced me to it in two rounds, it was far too heavy to not only drag around but also to get down and up the stairs in the tunnel. Smart advice. No point in risking ones life, tilting the wagon and get it on top of me.

So off I went with about 35 kg's worth of catalogues and mail. And it went kinda fine. I knew the round, but I hadn't checked out the mailboxes (why would I?). So at every stop it was digging into the box on the wagon, finding the mail for that particular address and deliver. In the middle of the piles I found mail not in my address list, which means I have to send it back.

Came back two hours and 15 min later. Had a break and then went off again with the rest. The second round started out a bit bad. The wagon tilted in the stairs, and mail started to pour out (hadn't secured it enough). Fortunately it was only ten or so. The rest of the round went fine. A couple of them couldn't be delivered, 'cause nobody with that name didn't live at the stated address. Those also have to be sent back. Second round took two hours and 25 minutes.

The problem is that it takes me about 15 min to get to the starting point, and then 15 min back. Plus the fact that the round is impossible to make in the stated time.

I get all in all paid for 2.5 hours incl sorting. Yesterday I spent about 1.5 hours sorting, which I probably could get down to quite a bit under an hour, now that I have a methodology that works. Everything was immaculately sorted! I was proud of myself.

But then the rounds together makes 4 hours and 40 minutes, say altogether 6 hours spent, and I get paid for 2.5 hours. Plus I have to code the mail to send back and post it. Do I feel used? Absolutely. Who wants to work for free when it's not for a good cause?

I shall now wait to see if the company asks for my feedback, and then take the opportunity to discuss the pay with them. Otherwise, you know what'll happen.


Anonymous said...

goodness me, how does anyone manage to do this job in the time suggested?! I can imagine that once you were used to it it would be way quicker, but moving 70-80kgs of stuff in one go?


Witchbitch said...

It doesn't really go any quicker, I spent six hours also the second round. Ok, it was more to deliver but it is really impossible to do it in one round, and when I asked how I didn't get an answer. More in another blog item.