Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ah, the food

How can I describe it? The food was absolutely delicious. I cannot think of anything I want to change. Ok, it was a bit of a surprise that they did not even have a proper menu. They had two sides (left and right) with courses. You could choose to do the left one, and surprisingly also the right one. But ok, the choice was four or six courses. And you could mix between the right and left (coming to think of it, something for politicians to think of). You could choose to cut out one of the three starters and the cheese wagon (I know, not a tiny cheese plate, a whole friggin wagon full of it and my friend who chose the 6-course meal only opted for 4 small pieces. Had I gone for the 6-course meal I surely would have demanded a piece of everything!). I chose the four-course meal (after all, I'm on a diet, HAHAHA). After the amuse bouche it was something with salmon and crab. Then a lobster plate with something. Main course was lamb. And I really must recommend this course to people without teeth. You didn't even have to chew. The meat melted in your mouth by itself. And we haven't even gotten to the dessert yet. It deserves its own blog item.

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