Saturday, March 31, 2007


Eventually I managed to hook up with Aussie-girl. Sent her an sms this evening, she responded that she was awake just the minute I got home. So we just spent some time on the phone. She has acquired an Aussie accent. Not that she didn't have one before, but now it's really accentuated. Guess the reason is that she's back down-under :) Told her about the weather here, snow/rain/sun once in a while. Where she is they have water problems. Lack of it. Can only water the lawn twice a week, and then only between certain hours. "If they think I'm gonna get outta bed to water my lawn at 5 am they have to think again" I remember her saying. Tomorrow (read today) I'm gonna enjoy a really long shower :)...


Anonymous said...

actually you're not allowed to water the lawn at all, only the plants at 5am

Witchbitch said...

Guess your plants are thirsty...