Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Ah forgot about the bread. With the amuse bouche they served bread. Hot and crispy. And you know for me who hasn't had soft bread in more than a month I wanted to rip the whole tray out of their hands. With it they served salted butter, butter without salt and salt by itself. Butter served on ice. Which is in I know, but have you ever tried to put ice-cold butter on bread? Difficult to say the least. It sorta spreads in lumps. Never mind. So I decided to go for it. After all, you don't go to a top class restaurant and then don't eat. So I had a small piece of white bread with sesame seed. And some salted butter. YUM! That went down like in 2 secs, so asked if I could have another piece. This time tomato bread. YUM again. Decided that enough is enough. Until the waiter came around once more. Seems like I had no character whatsoever this evening and when he presented a bacon-bread I just couldn't resist. Don't want to say YUM once again, but will dream about the taste tonight. Not to mention the small piece of bread with olives that came with one of the courses. No wonder I felt I had to walk home this evening! Have probably spoiled a whole month of dieting tonight...but if was worth it!

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