Thursday, March 22, 2007

Theory II

So yesterday I ate more food than I had in the previous 23 days, including 300 ml of Häagen-Dazs chocolate-chip. And this morning I felt thinner than ever (ok, not ever-ever, but since I started dieting). V weird. Guess the trick now is not to give up, but to keep on eating these friggin veggies and less than normal. My only reason being the boat season really, since nobody ever complained about my body size. I do not ever and I mean EVER want to see that pic of myself in a bikini again! PS. Friendgirl told me of a pic of herself she saw recently. She phoned around to her family and friends to ask them accusingly why they never told her she was fat. Yes, perhaps this is the thing? Maybe I need to hear I'm fat? Naaah, don't want to :)

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