Saturday, March 17, 2007


Oslo girl is coming into town. Not only will it be nice to meet up tomorrow, but she always brings something from duty-free. This time it'll be cigs and mascara. There is some advantage living in a non-EU country. And coming to think of it, shouldn't she be able to bring double ration since Norway is also outside EU?


Anonymous said...


I suppose she is the Norway friend who joined your birthday party last year. Send some greetings and have a good time.

Ze German

Witchbitch said...

Thanks, and if she's up-to-date she could answer herself on this very blog :)

Anonymous said...


Hi ze German.

Thank you, hope you're fine.

Had a great dinner and wine evening with Annika last night. Was home at about half past four this morning.

Spending today nurturing my slight hangover and catching up on the blog.