Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Decimal guy would like to add the number was only approximate... Had fun yesterday. Ended up in one for me unknown tapas bar, which also had sushi which I thought was a bit of a weird combination but obviously it worked since it was packed. A bit in the middle of nowhere, but still only a 5 min train ride from the central station. Cool. And chalet girl became chalet girl because that's her dream. She is currently chalet-shopping in France. And I am invited! Better not be one of those chalets without toilets and running water though...


Anonymous said...

i wonder if thats the same place we used to go to, Bar Sol I think it was called. I loved that place. although they didnt have sushi then

Witchbitch said...

Could be, of course I don't remember the name...but can find out. I'm sure decimal guy can give me an approximate name...