Saturday, February 02, 2008

Midnight scare

Yesterday I ran into brother of the ex. This is the guy who wouldn't recognize my existence when the ex and were together and now shouts ANNIKA all over town when we meet. So kissed-kissed-kissed and exchanged pleasantries. Tonight after the virgins went home to sleep I decided to hit town. Walking from the bus stop I heard "ANNIKA". Oh dear. The parents of the ex. Hadn't seen them in about a year. But funny because before I left I sms'd with ex in Peru. What to say? And why the fuck were they in Niederdorf on a Friday after midnight? Nice to see you. How are you? They proceeded to tell me how they did not like Finland (they visited the Nordic countries last summer) And I was trying to tell them I don't either. No Scandinavian in their right mind do. But it was kinda nice/interesting/awful/whatever to see them again. I'm beginning to think Zürich is a village. Yesterday the brother, today the parents. I really hope the next encounter will be the real thing :)

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