Friday, February 01, 2008

Plan B

So todays planning fell apart a bit. First I was supposed to sign the contract for the apartment, but then yesterday the real estate agent found a blip (well, he should've found it earlier, should'nt he?) that a parking space is connected to my flat according to the official papers. Since I do not want to buy a parking space too (even though it's been pointed out to me that it would be good to have when I sell) they need to change the official papers before any contracts can be signed. Then I had an sms in the morning saying one of my guests this evening had been up puking all night, and had to cancel. Darn. What to do? I tell ya. You invite a coupla young single men to dinner. First of all, they are much more up for spontaneous invites than couply people, second, they are always available and third, they are equally always hungry. See? Plan B always works. So better hop to it, they are coming soon.

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