Monday, February 11, 2008

Change of partner

I don't know how people are raised nowadays, but to me a commitment means something. When i say that I'll do something I will deliver. Unless I'm lying on my deathbed (which fortunately hasn't happened so far). Or that I know I cannot and I will inform the relevant people in advance. What brought this on? Well, my dancing partner didn't show up. Again. And this time he didn't even tell me. I had to explain to the teacher that he is a bit of an "aschloch" (asshole - and I'm sure some German-speaking person will tell me I spelled it wrong but the dictionary doesn't have this word ok?), since they were wondering. But the teachers are nice. And I wasn't the only one being on my own this evening. Unfortunately the other one was a girl. And if there is one thing I do not do, it is to dance with women. I draw the line there. So the teachers made the group dance...where you change partners. And they are attentive to make sure nobody is left out. We have learned so much, so now it's starting to feel like real dancing. It is still a lot of exercise, but fun such. Imagine me saying that? PS. And it's not like I can bring somebody else all of a sudden, since we learned together and after 5 (or is it 6?) lessons it's difficult to start from scratch.


Anonymous said...

'change of partner'
where do you get all these awful unreliable people?
thats always been my problem with dancing - finding a good partner hence I've never gotten further than the beginners course.

Witchbitch said...

Good question. I seem to be a bit unlucky lately. I try to keep an open mind and think that everybody is good, but it also means I get disappointed now and then. Such is life I guess.