Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bulgaria III

Gosh, can they cook in Bulgaria! From the moment we arrived until the moment we left, we were fed like every 3-4 hours. Always with a starter with lotsa small dishes, then a main course and often a dessert too. And everything was delicious!
Which is proven by that we got some sent with us coming home, and my English friend ate it! Even though the Brits have nothing to be proud of foodwise, they seem to loooove their white bread tasting of nothing (they call it toast) and their pies and puddings, equally tasteless.
If I ever go back to Bulgaria (and yes I will...for the wedding...more on that later) I won't go hungry. On the contrary, a diet beforehand would be recommended.
What you see on the pic is a tasting competition of the best baclava (sweet dessert). Not as I thought force-feeding (was left alone with the parents one afternoon and was terrified they were gonna push a tube down my throat - joke).

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