Thursday, December 09, 2010

Pain level

Pain ain't no fun, and since the op (and a loooong time before I managed to get to the doc) it has been up and down. Yesterday for some reason was the worst since the op, apart from the night after. Painkillers were my best friend. But since I had promised a friend to go out in the evening, I did. Took it really easy with the wine in the beginning of the evening (there is a first for everything!), since I wasn't sure of the mix of pills and alco. Pills were only paracetamol and unfortunately no morphine or other goodies, so blended fine with wine. Felt better and better the more wine I drank (how unusual!) and was worried I was gonna wake up feeling like shite. The opposite happened. Ok, so didn't jump out of bed, which btw never happened in my life, but felt fabulous. Almost pain free. And much more mobile. Could even apply mascara with my right hand, leaning down with my head. Doing this with my left has almost rendered me blind, sticking the brush straight into my eye. Lotsa progress in just a week.


Anonymous said...

yep, alcohol is the answer, as always

Witchbitch said...

Atta girl!