Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My own personal airbag

Realized I haven't showed you my "airbag". Big friggin thingie I have to wear 24/7, only allowed to take it off for showers and physiotherapy. The pic-taking for the blog I took upon myself to decide. Nothing mentioned in the instructions. Good thing Switzerland is behind on IT! Sleeping feels like a beetle on its back, trying to gain balance. Not to talk about the strain it puts on the other shoulder. Feels like in a car when the safety belt is cutting into the throat. That strangling feeling. Bet you all my belongings it was a man who invented this thing.


Anonymous said...

hmm, I think you need to improve your photography skills (or apparatus) can never tell what anything actually looks like from these blurry blue pics

Witchbitch said...

Use your imagination woman!

Anonymous said...

but then what would be the point of the pictures?

Witchbitch said...

The volume. It's a big friggin thingie.