Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bulgaria XII

One of the last days I made the mistake of joining in the wedding planning session FROM HELL. First of all it was a very unstructured event, where I had to step in and get the meeting back on track. Second of all, there are gazillions of wedding traditions in Bulgaria. Anything from me serving bread with salt and honey (honey for the sweetness, and salt so that you don't forget that life can be tuff as married - haha), to some dance competition where the groom has to chase the bride or whatever. I'm hazy on the details, since there were so much stuff. Also something about the couple kicking a bucket of water containing a red rose and a white rose, and whichever flower is kicked the longest sets the sex of the future baby. Gaaaahhh! However, I like the fact that there is a lot of dancing at Bulgarian weddings. Nothing like the torture of sitting still for 4 hours having dinner and listen to speeches. From what I understand it will be a fun party, going on until the wee hours in the morning. I think I might put up with that!

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