Thursday, December 09, 2010

Forever young

I dunno why but every so often I get cremes that are supposed to make me look younger from so called friends. What they haven't got is that I don't give a shit.
I'm me, and it's a package deal. You don't like what you see? Take a hike. My personality is what it is. I'm not about to change it. Too late, and I'm not interested.
I like myself, and if you don't, your problem.
But I'm sure the cremes will look nice being displayed on my bathroom counter!


Anonymous said...

honey, you're taking it all the wrong way, its because you look so good and young already that your friends figure it must be down to luxury cremes etc (when of course its just your very healthy lifestyle and lots of fresh air and exercise, ha!). Although I would be worried that you had changed your personality if I saw you rubbing sheeps placenta onto your skin, eek, sheeps placenta!!! who would buy such a thing?

Witchbitch said...

A gay guy gave it to me, go figure! Hey, I must've sounded really sad. You never honey'd me before. Should I be worried :)?