Friday, December 03, 2010

Operation X

I managed to be having my op the same day Zürich had its first snowstorm this year. Despite that two of my friends showed up to visit. Much appreciated, as well as all the phone calls and sms's from people who care. Even my brother showed up the next day to drive me home, after I sweet-talked the unwilling doc to let me go. Had gotten help to wash (even downstairs with the help from a nurse, very undignified!) since I was still attached to drips and whatsit. Dressed in my own clothes I was assuring the doc I was fit as a fiddle. "Hmm" he said. "Do you promise to follow my orders?", i.e. never take off the thingie supporting my arm. "Yes of course!". And apart from having a much needed shower yesterday I have.


Anonymous said...

egad, I think this is the bit I am most afraid about when it comes to hospital - having to be helped to wash - going under anaesthetic into unconsciousness, being cut up - all seems better than this- does than make me vain?

Witchbitch said...

I can assure you, nobody likes it. But I rather get help than smell. Wouldn't you?