Monday, July 23, 2012


Oh je, came back from a fab day on the lake to find an email in response to the one I sent yesterday regarding the neighbours garden. It looks like shit.

It was an issue in last years annual report for the building association. We are only four apartments, and we like to keep a neat house. Especially the three of us who owns. The fourth apartment is owned by a couple nobody has ever seen, and is rented out. I have nothing against these people, except for that they ignore their garden. The other neighbour is complaining since weed is spreading to their meticulously tended garden, and for us who have to look at it, well, it's not nice.

Nevertheless, for these people I have lent them a timer (still waiting to get it back) after they had a break-in, I have looked after their apartment when they both were away, I have fixed them up with a new garage tenant without getting more than a measly thank-you-email (garage cost 180 francs per month).

Got an email saying it's a difference between a garden and a few plants in pots like on my balcony. Well, we choose don't we? If I had wanted a garden I would've bought that flat, and not the one I have, wouldn't I?

I don't hate these people, but I do wish they'd move out asap to be honest.

Seriously, if you rent a flat with a huge terrace and a semi-big garden, and don't want to use it, why not move to another flat?


Anonymous said...

Oh my, are you sure you're not already Swiss? 'cos to be honest, I have to agree with them. They have the right to keep (or not keep) their garden however they like (as long as its nothing illegal or they're not causing you any actual harm)and its none of your business. If you want to have some kind of control over all your surroundings you have to live in your own house away from people. This is what I am most dreading about living in Switzerland again - people thinking they have the right to tell you how to live in your own home all the time.

Witchbitch said...

I'm not the only one complaining since weed is spreading to the neighbours garden.

I am not expecting a perfect garden, I just want to live in a house where people care.