Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ne fiant abortivum senex

...or... "ut non sit senex in tempore non tuo". I'm not sure google translate can be trusted, but this is what it showed when I tried to say that fuck carme diem, that everybody uses, I am from now on having a new saying. Do not get old before your time.

I realized that this afternoon when I was out, having a good time in my fav place, singing along, watching a small piece of the world, everybody happy and talking to each other. I should get out more, doing just that. Talking to people, enjoying what the world has to offer.

So apart from the above sounding like "abort sex something" I will do just that. Enjoy more, and not get (well, at least not too) old before my time.


Anonymous said...

yay you! This is also my plan, so if you ever hear me complain about feeling old, kick me. better be silly and immature, mutton acting liek lamb etc, than feeling old and grumpy

Witchbitch said...

Silly and immature, I'm on!