Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Breaking ze Swiss glass ceiling

You gotta love ze Swiss. One of my neighbours wants to build a glass roof over part of their terrace. This was discussed already in January at the annual meeting, and none of us had any objections. We signed a paper saying so.

Their terrace is facing the side of the building, where nobody would see it anyway, there are bushes covering the space to the next building. Besides, I think any improvement to a building is raising the value of the whole.

But of course they ran into problems. We are four apartments in the building, two having 22% each and two having 28% each. Size matters again.

The majority needs to approve, but since one of the 22% flats is having an agent handling their business, and an authorization couldn't be found, their share didn't count. Then the two flats with a 28% share had only one of the spouses signatures, so only half of them counted.

That left 50% in favour, and 50% unknown. All according to ze Swiss authorities, who scratched their heads, consulted lawyers and came up with a maybe. So now neighbour needs to find the original signatures of us all, make sure the spouses sign and deliver an addendum to the request.

Then of course ze Swiss will take their time in approving, so I expect that we'll maybe see a glass roof sometime next year. At best.


Anonymous said...

ha, ha, this is so typical of over-democratic Switzerland, but no one an say you don't get your opportunity for a fair say here, well, unless you're foreign of course.

Witchbitch said...

At least I get a say in my own house, even though I'm a foreigner. In Switzerland money talks :).