Friday, May 03, 2013


I have a nice neighbour. Actually, I have more nice neighbours, but two in particular I know more than the others. Today I spent some time with the nice one. Actually when leaving I realized we had been talking non-stop for two hours, without ever being bored.

And even though she has a newborn, it didn't bother me one bit. Helps that the infant was sleeping through most of our chatter.

Brought a bottle of vino, since I didn't want to disappoint her. She's used to that. They seldom have wine at home. She had a few half glasses, and giggled "what will my husband say when he comes home?". Probably will guess that Annika was there. It's not exactly a secret that I'm a wine lover in this building.

Like Saturday night. The neighbours above had a party. A loud one. Now, our building is very soundproof and solidly built, but even I could hear it. Not so loud that it bothered me though, I fell asleep without any problems. However, kid family have their bedroom just beneath the party living room. She didn't fall asleep until three in the morning when the music stopped. But the issue was that she first blamed me (told me "I was thinking it was weird after 3,5 years that Annika has a party like that without telling us"). Isn't it typical? I get the blame first. The black sheep, it's me. But I'm happy to oblige. Actually, I kinda thrive on it. It used to be me, and if people still think I'm an it-girl, so be it.

And she has nice bar stools. Was thinking of getting new ones like that myself. Well, that was until I raised my butt from it and left half the thigh skin on it. I was wearing shorts.

Now onto preparing dinner for tonight. More later.

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