Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I found my sofa

So went to Ikea today in order to browse and get inspiration, and managed to get out only paying some 50+ francs (and one of the things was 45 francs). Not bad! And it was stuff I really wanted.

But what I fell in love with was a black leather sofa, 3-seated with a side thingie and a separate sorta side cushion. And when the guy told me it was 20% off if I order it two weeks from now (if I have an Ikea family card - which I incidentally have since today) and to top it all off, free delivery, I decided! Yes, too good to pass on.

Unfortunately it turns out the sofa is a tad too long for the space I have allocated, but not to worry, it comes with a 2-seater too. Very comfortable and fitting the style I have in my flat. And long enough to sleep on, should I have more than one overnight guest.

But I did get yelled at. After I finished the first round, paid, and got out, I realized I had more than an hour before I was gonna be picked up, so went for a second round, looking at "my" sofa again and picking up more information. When I passed the cashiers desk with my bag, I was told I wasn't allowed to go through Ikea twice. Even though I offered to show him the receipt. I wanted to say "I was just in there to pick up more information on a fairly pricey piece of furniture you idiot", but refrained from doing so. Nice as I am. Most of the time.

And I ate. Meatballs with mashed potatoes and lingonberries. Lovely. 5 francs for 10 meatballs, which is a bargain, but when I realized that a softdrink cost 2.50 (half the price of the meal!) I got a bit irritated. So even though the whole meal incl drink cost me 7.50 I felt cheated. Funny that. And I don't care if it's horsemeat in the balls.

So now I'm gonna have to go back, order my sofa, get the 20% discount and free delivery sorted in a couple of weeks. Exciting times!

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