Friday, April 26, 2013


Got an email from my old neighbour in Copenhagen. She had gone back for a nostalgia trip and sent me some pics. Brings me back to the days when we had a pre-drink at my flat, then decided it was too much bother to take the bus, and called for a cab to go into town.

This is where we ended up most of the time. A place which was unpretentious, with live music and a lot of fun. Plus a very goodlooking waiter. The link now suggests there is an outdoor area, which didn't exist back then, and sadly no sign of the goodlooking waiter, but I'm sure it's still good.

Copenhagen where I lived for exactly three years. Yes, it was good times. I can recommend it.


New Jersey John said...

You seem to always find the same kind of place to hang matter where you live. Good drinks..good music..down to earth people and atmosphere. That's the kind of place where you really get to know a city I think. My kind of place as well. If you ever come for a trip to the States..I know a few of those here and in New York! We go!

Witchbitch said...

Yes, I really don't like the posh places, down to earth is much more me.

Not likely I'll be travelling again, but one never knows...