Friday, April 19, 2013


I wash my hair every three days. I have done so all my life, up until a few years ago when I started to test. I stretched to four days, and even five days once, but then I felt a bit eek so stopped.

But what I noticed is that the hair, at least my hair, is much more cooperative when a bit dirty. Not that I use spray or mousse or anything to enhance it, but it lays there where I combed it.

Makes me remember my Dad, when he had spent three weeks in the army doing a training, and the delight he felt when telling me how dirty he was, 'cause he knew how disgusting I found that.

I guess he had a point. Nowadays we wash and pimp ourselves far too much. We wash away the protective fat, and use fake smells/aromas to feel good. I believe in water and soap, and the drawer I have in the bathroom still filled with perfume from up to ten years ago is the proof.

Gimme a smelly man anytime. One that smells of fresh sweat, and is for real.

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