Sunday, April 14, 2013

From winter to summer in one go

I don't check the weather sites very often, I use the method of looking out the window, so this morning took me by surprise. 23°C and sunshine! Fabulous.

Too bad I had agreed to do something I really dislike this morning (especially after 5 hours of sleep!), but since I was promised a barbecue afterwards I had agreed. Must've had a weak moment.

But it was great to spend an afternoon at the neighbours, sitting on the balcony sipping water (!) and yes, then wine, and have a grill. I never tire of this view.


Anonymous said...

ah so exciting, I even got sunburnt yesterday. sadly looks like its not lasting long, but I'm optimitistic it will be back!

Witchbitch said...

I also got the beginning of a tan! About time!