Friday, March 02, 2007

Fidelity - in or out?

Got a few comments on the "lose relationship" item. Is fidelity in or out? That is the question. And again, what are your thoughts on the issue. Please comment more and I will make a new item of the answers.


Anonymous said...

It doesnt matter if its in or out, the problem is that its human nature to get jealous, which is why 'open' relationships dont work and end up in a mess.
Of course the man in the story is not in an open relationship with woman A, standard affair scenario, which makes the issue not fidelity per se, but a breach of trust.
but afterall we're all only human and its pretty easy to get carried away with lust with something new, exciting and different and that doesnt make us inherently bad.
lets just hope woman A's not the bunny boiling type.

Anonymous said...

... there is really something you can learn from gays. fidelity does not mean that you can enjoy and have fun with an other men. trust is much more important. but can say it is not easy when your men comes up first time, saying i want to have an open relationship. either you accept or not and make your choise. unfortunately it did not work out finally, since i had much more demands than him and there was too much jealousy on other tings as well ... thanks god i do not need to hunt at present.

Anonymous said...

"Fidelity - in or out?"

Don't know whether there is a trend. However I think everybody shold make his/her own decision on tis point. A lot of men and women playing around but are not honest enough to tell there partners.

Ze German