Thursday, July 12, 2007


Got a compliment today. And this time it actually meant something, since it was a woman giving it. No hidden agenda. She said she liked the colour of my top, "it looks good on you". Funny that, that compliments from men (not that they are frequent exactly) mean less, since I always think there is a reason for it. Unless they come from gays of course. Only they are even less frequent...


Anonymous said...


Why does compliments from men mean less?

Because they're mostly selfish. Just remember the unknown GV-Word. ;)

Compliments from women are real and true. Ok, only if she means it. ;o)

Witchbitch said...

Because men have a hidden agenda. And I happen to think that a spontaneously given compliment from a woman do mean something.

Who's the boring young one in St Gallen??