Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The devil wears Prada

Or so I'm told. Am reading the book now, and have trouble identifying I must say. Ok, so my friends would now insert "yes, we know" but still. Why do people put up with shit like that? First of all, fashion. Fashion is nice. On other people. I personally don't care. Yes, I agree it's nice to feel good in what you wear, but I don't care if it's Dolce Gabbana or H&M. And why bother? I am still the same person. Which is clearly shown when I do my hair. I cut it, I blond it and try to look better and all I hear (if I hear anything) is from M last Saturday when we met up after my hair appointment to go shopping: "why is your hair wet?". Well, I tell you why. Why bother spending money on a nice hair-do when people don't even notice? Second, why put up with shit? Ok, so I can eat shit sometimes (so to speak) but only if I know it's gonna buy me favours in the future. I don't mind grovelling (actually did it today) in order to improve a relationship and give me some leeway next week. Or next month. Or next whatever. And only if it's a small thing. Remember, don't fight the battles you cannot win. Personally I like to lose the battles, but win the war :)...was it Churchill who said that?


Anonymous said...

Felt exactly the same way about the girl taking all the bullshit from Meril Streep. But anyways one must probably be in the fashion and beauty business to understand... In case you saw the movie as well I wouldn't risk a relationship with such a CUTIE for a bit... like that!
Have fun at the Zürifescht!

Witchbitch said...

Haven't seen the movie yet...but people say it's good. When I get the time I might.

Thanks. Yes, we'll party until the wee hours.