Monday, July 23, 2007

More from Saturday

Yes, we did indeed have a nice time last Saturday. Even though one of my friends wrote "superficial" in my guest book. But I think she meant that even if the food and drink were delicious, the important thing was to meet. At least that's how I have chosen to interpret it :) Then after midnight it was of course time to go out. My friends kinda heckle me saying I'm not flexible, since I always want to go to the same place. Nobody listens when I say I tried other places, but I never have as fun there. It's like talking to the hand. So of course we ended up in another bar. How BORING! Yes, I know that my friends were there, and they are certainly not boring but still. I wanted fun. I wanted music. I wanted to laugh at other people (which often happens in "my" place for some reason :). Eventually they caught my irritation (was I subtle?? HAHA) and we went there. And guess what? They were all enjoying it. Why couldn't they just have listened to me in the first place?


Anonymous said...

You can't find better place where they play (that kind of...) life music! I do totally agree! Have fun and keep on going ;-))

Witchbitch said...

Yessss! Finally somebody who gets it! Whoever you are...

Anonymous said...

'more from saturday'
so, back at work and finally time to read your blog, but I dont expect you to post this since it was sooo long ago (for your blog).
On 'your' place: nobody really enjoys it, just enjoy the relief of not having to hear your whingeing which you get if you dare to suggest in a city of many, many bars it might be worth visiting more than one. ;)
cant remember the superficial bit, you'll have to tell me what the whole thing said.
can you send me the photos?
thanks for the recipe!