Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Ok, so ze Swiss are not very online. Googled Zurifäscht (which is how ze Swiss refer to the coming weekends party and found the latest hit 2004). They do like to party, but they do not know how to market it. Not that they need to mind you, since everybody who is somebody is here anyway :). Did I tell you when they opened the borders for all EU citizens on 1st of June, 10,000 people came into Switzerland in one day. Apparently. So the weekend 6-8 July Zürich will be hopping. Again. The city center will be closed, and there will be beer tents, music, parades, fireworks, the usual thing. For 3 days. I just hope I will still be awake by then with whatsit going on. But I do look forward...


Anonymous said...


so not fair, I'm gonna miss it by 1 week, boo hoo.

Witchbitch said...

It's called bad planning dear :)

Anonymous said...

maybe, but not my my part since I had no choice about when I was coming to Europe

Witchbitch said...

And I'm happy you're coming no matter when!