Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Funny tonight. It was raining as hell, and I was thinking to perhaps take a taxi home. Contemplated the value for money. Cost equalled 2,5 lattes in Starbucks. 2 (small) glasses of good wine. 3 beers, a cheapo lunch etc etc. Caught myself being a real cheapo. When I lived in Oslo (capital of Norway for the Americans :) I was known for spending. Was told that when I left 2 bartenders and 3 taxi drivers were made redundant. Why am I all of a sudden thinking about cost? Guess it's because public transportation is so convenient, so it feels like luxury to splash out on a taxi. Even though it's only 15 CHF with tips from the city center to my place. And tonights taxi driver was unfriendly and tried to cheat me on the bill. Fee was 13,40, I said 15, he gave me 2,50 back on a 20. I don't think so. And yes, I know that Americans will find this cheap but this is Switzerland. We like service first, and then tip. Not the other way around.


Anonymous said...

wow, thats some expensive coffee! especially from the hideous MacDonalds of cafes

Witchbitch said...

I kinda like their lattes, but because of the expense I don't go there too often.

Anonymous said...

I'm not questioning the taste of the coffee - I don't drink the stuff so I wouldnt know, just surprised that such a chain store, mass manufactured, run of the mill kinda place charges so much, and the one at Central is filthy. but I've kinda got a Starbucks hangup