Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Market research

Just got a call from one of these market research people. I just don't get it. They have a foreign name on their list and they always think that everybody speaks Switzedutch. Does Annika sound like somebody who would speak a local dialect of German? I struggle enough as it is with high German (and here I'd like to insert that M is no fucking help. At all. Even when I try to speak German he answers in English!). Anyway, back to market research person. She switched to high German and asked if I had spent one day in hospital during the last year. No. Did I know somebody who had? Yes. Could she ask some questions? How long would it take I asked. 10 min. Forget it. Do they really get people who spend time on this shit? I what could I possibly contribute that would be of any value? Market research...bunch of shit if you ask me. You're better off going out on the street asking people directly. Or as a previous finance minister used to do: he used to watch the number of trains carrying goods around the country in order to see how business was going...not a bad idea!

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