Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Long day

It's been a very long day, just got home, feeling like a sack of shit. Whatever type of flu my friend had, he's given to me. Gee, thanks. You know hurting when you touch the skin, coughing so that it hurts, no real appetite but trying to eat anyway. Not even cigarettes taste very good, even though it doesn't stop me from smoking... Anyway, nice and quiet at home. M is away on another one of his parties :). Off to bed.


Anonymous said...

Long day

... i feel so sorry for you. your friend has not been coughing. it is probably migraine. hope you get better soon ...

Anonymous said...

Class project gone wrong

... naughty girl ...

Witchbitch said...

Perhaps I'm marginally better, like 3/4 of a sack of shit...