Monday, July 30, 2007

Just a Monday in Zürich

So after being busy the whole day I ended up in with some acquaintances. As you do. When we broke up, all of us going home, I decided to just pop into "my" place to say hello. Just to be polite you know. Hmmm. After seeing this old guy with a grey beard, playing on bottles in sync with the music, I thought that was the highlight of the evening. Until these two guys walked in. They turned out to be Swiss, on their way to Dublin. Only flight was 9 in the morning, and they were intent on partying until then. The reason they were going to Dublin was the "world championship of bicycle messaging". You know the people who delivers important letters/packages/etc from one place to another in record time. They were from Basel. To be honest with you I didn't even know there was such a championship. Much less that it was in Dublin. But the fact that one of the guys showed me 1. his tan line on legs and arms and 2. more importantly let me feel his leg. It was pure muscle. I caved in and believed them. Plus they were fun. Singing along, ordering 1l beers, having a good time. And when I said I was leaving, they were kneeling, begging me not to. I tell ya, these guys got the message :) to speak. Or delivering... Also, they were taking lotsa pics. If I end up on the front page of the Dublin news, you know why...


Anonymous said...

Hello Anika!

Did not find what you blogt about me. The first time I found some time to look at your site.
Some interesting stories, really.

Greetings from Alfred ( the drummer) from Styria.

Witchbitch said...

Hi Alfred! Cannot remember when it was, search for the dates you were in Z.