Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I say only one thing to the title. IKEA. Why is it that I keep on forgetting how exhausting it is to go there? Left from the city at 6 pm and only home now. A real time-eater is what it is. Anyway, first I had agreed to take a train from the city and M would hop on at a later station. Only I also agreed to take two Americans with me (exactly why they would travel oversees, only to go to IKEA is beyond me, but never mind). The two Americans turned out to be not so skilled in logistics, so we ended up running for the train. The Swiss didn't exactly help by putting our train on the track far beyond the station (track 53, avoid avoid!). Eventually we managed to hook up with M. But of course all three of them wanted to tour the whole mall. 4 floors and lotsa lotsa things as usual. Even though Tuesdays are supposedly one of the best days (less visitors) I thought there were more than enough people. The whole restaurant was full too, but as compliant people we queued up and got our meatballs (not even in the neighbourhood of my homemade ones from yesterday!). Finally I got to the food shop, which was the only place I wanted to go to in the first place! So all ended well. I now have in the fridge what I need for Friday. What I didn't need was the agony to get it...


John said...

It's the same thing here in the states. I love IKEA stuff, but the store is like a zoo! Best time to go to the one here in NJ is Monday or Tuesday from 10:00am - 2:00pm

Witchbitch said...

Exactly. A 4 hour span...

It doesn't seem to matter how many stores IKEA open up, there is never enough!