Saturday, December 15, 2007


When getting back from Barcelona I had a large stack of envelopes waiting for me. Mostly bills, but also my C-permit. Finally! Only I don't get what the difference is from the B-permit I had which was valid for 5 years. I thought a C-permit was permanent, and that I wouldn't have to renew it. Wrong. Says on the new permit that "kontrollfrist" is in 5 years. Means I will have to go through that painful exercise with getting all the documents from the police, the "kreisburo" and whatsit. Ah well, 5 years is a long time... PS. Ze Swiss are not a trusting bunch. Especially towards us foreigners. It just doesn't matter how good and trustworthy you are, they don't believe you. And I doubt they ever will...


Anonymous said...

congratulations!! very exciting indeed. now you have the c-permit you're as close as you can get to no longer being a foreigner

Witchbitch said...

Thanks. And it means that I don't get to vote! Hurray! Because that would be really annoying considering how many times the locals have to vote. And if they don't they get fined.

Anonymous said...

no, I'm sure they don't (have to vote, or get fined)