Sunday, December 16, 2007

Inside out

Raclette-girl was staying overnight here on Friday, so had to make up the guest bed. Used the sheets in the guest room drawer, and found them folded inside out by ex-flatmate. "Who in their right mind folds sheets inside out?" I said. "We do that in Switzerland", was the answer. Oops. But why?


Anonymous said...

'Inside out'
do you mean the actual sheets or the doona (duvet/quilt for non Aussies) cover? I dont understand how sheets can actually be inside out so I guess you mean the doona cover. I put my mine away inside out too. it makes it much much easier to put the cover on the doona that way. You put your hands inside and hold the corners, grab the corners of the doona and just flip the cover over. (this makes more sense when you see it rather than try and explain it in words)

Witchbitch said...

I get what you mean, but it doesn't LOOK nice to have them folded inside out.

Anonymous said...

'Inside out'
who cares what it looks like? its in the cupboard and no one can see it. or are your sheets on display as part of your home decoration?

Witchbitch said...

Maybe...but it's the thing when I open the drawer. I like it when it looks neat.

Too bad that doesn't translate to all the paper piles in my living room :)