Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Spanish service – an oxymoron?

10.12.2007 18:53 Like most places I’ve been to (with the possible exception of the US of A, but on the other hand you’re not expected to dish out 15-20% tip) the service leaves a tiny bit to be desired here. Yesterday I took a stroll on the beach (that sounds kinda cool doesn’t it? In December) to a place I spotted which serves paella for one. Normally you have to be two people to order this dish. So ordered a quite delicious mixed paella plate and a litre of Sangria. They first served me a bottle of water – agua minerale sin gas (see, I’m being half fluent already :) which I sent back. Then they had to come back to confirm that the whole litre of Sangria was just for me. But hey! Half the carafe consists of ice, and the other half of fruit. Very little drink. And guess what? The agua ended up on my bill. Which I tried to pay with several times, and ended up having to go to the counter with. Needless to say I didn’t leave even a small tip.


Anonymous said...

'spanish service'
thats happened to me in Spain too. they always try it on with the foreigners. makes me sick they they try and make you pay for water, especially if you dont drink it. Thats one thing I dont like about Europe

Witchbitch said...

Yup, screw the tourists is high on their list.