Saturday, December 15, 2007

Ripped underwear

Once in a while I pick up a pair of underwear being a bit on the dodgy side, you know ripped and not really the sexy ones I deserve. Besides, I can actually afford to buy and wear fresh underwear. So I usually decide to wear them just this once more and then throw them in the trash. But every time I forget, and when I wash the next time, then they appear again. And I think, it's a shame to throw away clean ones even if they are a bit ripped so I wear them once again. I tell ya, it's a vicious circle.


Anonymous said...

'ripped underwear'
I have this problem too. For me it occurs because I don't feel I can bin the underwear when its dirty. illogical I know, comes from paranoia (ingrained in me by my mother) about rubbish men, or others, looking through my rubbish. so i put them in the wash, intending to throw them out later, but when they're clean it also seems weird to throw them out, and like you said i might as well wear them one more time.

Witchbitch said...

I get that problem too. Why is it that we not can throw away underwear when it's dirty? Silly...