Wednesday, December 05, 2007


04.12.2007 21:43 Guess I’m triggered by this friggin CNN, but as is well known the global warming is a big issue on the political agenda these days. It’s like it’s a new thing to the Americans (and I guess it is) that waste is causing problems. I find it an oxymoron that Americans only now have found out, but I guess better late than never. The fact that not having a car, using public transportation, energy-saving activities at home like using good-for-the-environment-lamps, not have excessive heating on, always switch off lights in the rooms you’re not using, not having the tv on when nobody’s watching, not flushing the water to wait for cold or warm (ok with the exception here in Barcelona when waiting for the warm shower water), and all those other little things you can do as a citizen helps the environment. I find it common sense. Guess it’s my upbringing. But it seems to be a steep learning curve for many…

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