Monday, December 03, 2007

Stealing bastards

30.11.2007 17:27 One of my acquaintances here had an incident this morning checking out of her hotel. Leaving her handbag unattended for a short while led to it disappearing. EVERYTHING stolen, new ipod, fairly new camera, travel- and credit cards, passport, keys, cash, her lipstick mind you and all that makes up a woman. If that happened to me I would feel like I lost a limb. She spent half the day in the police station and at the consulate getting a temporary passport granting her access to the UK (she’s a UK citizen) but not to Switzerland, which is where she was due to fly today. Poor thing! I guess the people who warned me about not bringing too many valuables to Barcelona were right. Am going out in the city tonight bringing no handbag, just a little cash (hang on, Bro is coming with, he can pay!), my lipstick (obviously!), cig and the key.

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