Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Hate object

Know what I hate? People going on the bus, taking the outer seat. Blocking for other people to sit. So you have like 25 people standing in the bus, with these people sitting comfortably with their bag on the second seat or just on the outer one blocking passage. When I get really really irritated I make a point of walking over their legs to sit just for two stops, but most of the time I cannot be bothered. I just bugs me. Why be so selfish? I'm guessing they didn't have parents who taught them right from wrong. Fuck'em.


Anonymous said...

'Hate object'
Oo, I really really hate that too. and then they pretend they don't notice that the bus is full. They're usually the ones who sit down almost on top of you when they're next to you so they have sapce on the seat for their stupid bags, or hit everyone with their bags when trying to move through the bus without ever apologising.

Witchbitch said...

It's just rude.