Monday, December 03, 2007

Sweet little lady/-ies

30.11.2007 17:35 When I had lunch in las Ramblas last Sunday we were sitting next to this little old lady who looked like she’d been frequenting the place since it was opened, she must’ve been 90 at least. Yet clad in nice modern clothes and with a smile on her face. She enjoyed her food alone, and then rose to leave. At first I didn’t realize she was standing up, so bent was her back. She had real trouble getting her coat on, so I helped her. She was so grateful she kissed my hand! What a sweet old little lady (she was like a meter tall standing up!). Today I was in a bar waiting for them to make me a sandwich (oh, the bread here is absolutely delicious…crispy and fresh) when I saw this I guess other little lady with the same body-frame. Do they have many of these elderly that walk bent-over? Or was it the same?

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