Sunday, October 05, 2008

Engineer my ass

I have a pair of pants that has a string in a sort of a tunnel around the waistline. Unfortunately one of the string-ends has crept up into the tunnel and won't come out. The opening is very narrow and having absolutely no patience at all, I turned to the engineer in the household. You know, engineers build things, they mend machines, some even invent things and they are supposed to be creative in problem-solving. Nah! What a bunch of bollocks. I guess the string has to stay where it is.


Anonymous said...

Take the whole string out of the tunnel. Then fixate a safte pin at one of the ends of the string. Then put it in the tunnel and try to bring the thing arround by contract and streching it until it finds the way out ;o) This takes a little time but it works!


Witchbitch said...

I shall try. When I can be arsed. Thanks for the tip. I take it you're not an engineer :)??

Witchbitch said...

Did it! The string is now in its right place. Mucho gracias!