Saturday, October 11, 2008

Integrity and invasion of privacy

Where does integrity stop and invasion of privacy begin? This a thin line to walk when sharing an apartment when you're not together. For me it starts when somebody goes through my things. Or if somebody so much as touches my computer when I haven't allowed it. You leave me and my private things alone and you have nothing to worry about. However. I have always washed together with my flatmates. To fill up the machine you know. But what happens when you are alone at home when the machine is finished? Do you hang the other persons wash? I have no problems with somebody else hanging my wash, so today I took a chance and hanged SBN's wash up. After all, he wasn't home and to keep wet wash lying around is not good. I'm a little worried, since he handed me my washed underwear the other day, holding it like it was a plague-ridden piece of rat (hey, it was newly washed!) but since I'm all for taking chances I decided to do it. It's not like I will blog about his type of underwear (although I'm dying to! Hehe).


Anonymous said...

I dont quite get what this has to do with integrity, but yeah, I really dont like someone else to hang my washing, even though I know its silly

Witchbitch said...

Luckily for me SBN didn't have any problems with it.