Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oktoberfest - again

I am kinda happy it's only once a year. Met up with a friendgirl in the evening for Oktoberfest. I have in no particular order experienced: an elk polonaising, having had an obese Swiss singing in my ear, pushed off an eager guy trying the oldest line in the world "where do you come from?" (to which I answered Zürich and that I only wanted to practise my English, which actually shut him up...but then he was whispering to his friend "where is the other girl coming from?". Switzerland would've been the answer had he had the balls to continue the conversation).
Anyway, it was fun and I had the questionable pleasure of sitting next to a guy (in Oktoberfest you share, you sit on wooden (were they really wooden? I wonder since my ass got all sweaty) benches with hair in his face. I really don't like hair in the face. Good thing I didn't have to kiss him.


Anonymous said...

wow who woulda thunk it, I learnt a new word thanks to you = polonaising

ew, that mo is creepy

Witchbitch said...

Hmm yes, not sure you'd find it in any dictionary though.