Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Exit and Dignitas

There are two organizations in Switzerland that help people die. This is controversial in most of the world, but I'm all for it. Mostly because you cannot choose to be born, but it is everybodys right to die when you want to. Mind you, these organizations don't kill people. They help those who have a deadly disease or who are very old to go with dignity. They deserve our respect I think. The issue lately is that they have spread the ashes in Zürichsee. I have no problem with that. In fact, the day I have to go I wish they would do it with me. The problem being that the ashes weren't only ashes but bones and teeth as well. Human bones have been found in the lake. And this is precisely when they cross the limit. This is not on. Until they choose to act with the dignity they claim they represent I won't be a member.

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