Wednesday, October 01, 2008

SBN saves the situation

Had agreed to meet up with SBN at Bahnhof this evening in order to go shopping for heavy stuff (read wine and other drinks). Need I say there was a no-show? Turned out he had sms'd me in the afternoon (do we really believe this?) that he couldn't be there. I never received the message. So called. Wanted actually to scream "I've fukkin waited for you 20 minutes" but instead I was civilized telling him I bought the sms-story. He suggested we instead meet up in front of the shop. Fine. And he carried most of it home. Nice save. Especially since he carried two bags with empty bottles to the glass bank just now. Mind you, he was going to the gym anyway. This is the part I don't understand. Why do people pay a lot of money to go to a gym and use a stair machine? When you can just skip the elevator and walk in real stairs. As it turns out we have very disparate interests. While he's pumping away (hehe) in the gym, I'm off to the bar...

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