Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Teaching men to sit

Normally this is a walk in the park, but with SBN this appears to be a bit more of a difficult task to accomplish. Not that I would like him to sit (except for on the toilet!!), but he doesn't listen. He doesn't take advice, however wellmeaning. When I tell him that coffee is the worst you could drink when you have a stomach flu, guess what he does? Yes exactly. He gears up the coffee machine. When I tell him that if he wants to drink Coke, he should get the bubbles out first, guess what? Yes, he opens the bottle and downs it in one gulp. Secretly I think he likes his stomach flu, and would like to maintain it for as long as possible. Why else wouldn't he listen? PS. Blueberry soup is the best if you have a "nervous stomach". You can get it at the IKEA shop.

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