Monday, April 06, 2009

Banks and credit card institutes

It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant banks and credit card companies are to their customers. Remember the letter I sent to Credit Suisse, and the answer I had that they were looking into it? Never heard from them again, despite me sending it directly to their CEO. Guess I better google to see if he got fired during my holiday. The other company I had a discussion with recently was Diners Club, who I have been a customer to for around 20 years. Always paid on time (except for once when I was a tad late). Without previous warning they raised my annual fee 420%!!! Acceptable? I don't think so. When they refused to pay back the difference I informed them that I wanted to cancel the card. This prompted another response that yes they will indeed give me the credit this year, but from next year the new fee will be applicable. Fine with me. I plan to cancel the card by then.

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